THE YEAR AFTER by Martin Davies

DECEMBER 1919. Tom Allen, uncomfortable in London after five years in uniform, on the front receives an invitation to spend Christmas at Hannesford Court.


It’s almost as if nothing has changed. Cards in the library after dinner. The Boxing Day shoot. The New Year ball. Margot.


But Tom hasn’t forgotten the strange death of the professor. A chance meeting in Germany, questions raised: in all his visits to Hannesford before the War, all those years observing the glittering life of its owners, how much did he ever really see?


This is a beautiful and intense exploration of life before and after the war and how the people and places, some gone forever, some seemingly unchanged would never recover the lost magic of that time of youth and hope. A generation irreparably torn apart.

THE YEAR AFTER by Martin Davies
On behalf of
Teresa Chris Literary Agency
Published in the UK by
Hodder & Stoughton
18 August 2011
Published in the US by
18 August 2011